“Chai’s work is so very spiritually stimulating!! Yes, it is grounded in an ageless ‘Asian aesthetic,’ but his paintings are a very original response to Western contemporary art. More importantly, his work is resonant enough with truth about the human spirit; of how colors, suggestive forms and the mastery of chance transcend mere culture, and land right into the soul!”
Berrisford Boothe是一位多媒体艺术家,同时他也是里海大学(美国宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒)艺术与建筑系艺术教授兼主席。近日,Boothe举办了他的第13次个人展览,并已参与近70场国际群展。
Berrisford Boothe is a multi-media artist, art professor and Chair of the Department of Art and Architecture at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Boothe has recently mounted his thirteenth solo exhibition and has been part of nearly 70 group exhibitions internationally. Here is what he says about Chai Zu Shun’s mental imagery paintings:
作者:美国里海大学艺术系教授Berrisford Boothe
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